Also called computing America is a science that studies techniques processes methods to store process and transmit information and data in digital format
information technology has developed rapidly since the second half of the twentieth century with the emergence of technologies such as integrated circuit Internet and mobile phone.
The information comes from the French reports conclude ticket implemented by the engineer Philippe Dreyfus in the early 60s. The word is itself a acronimno of information and automatique
Computing brings together many of the techniques that man has developed with the aim of enhancing their thinking abilities, memory and communication. Its area of application is limitless.
computers used in business management, storage of information, control processes, communications, transport, medicine and many other sectors.
The computer also covers the main foundations of computer science, such as programming for software development, computer architecture and hardware, networks such as the Internet and artificial intelligence. It even applies in several areas of electronics.
vocabulary video
Topic: Computer Education
It is the discipline to investigate, theorise and apply the results of research and science and technology of Information and Education in different educational processes progress; That is, implement, theories, principles, standards, procedures and products of the tecnol's, like the computer, the Internet, the Web among others depending on the productivity of the different educational processes, such as: the administration or management, which involves the management, organization, integration, monitoring; research, screening or bonding, guidance, teaching, learning, assessment, among other processes.
Educational computer derives, first of Computing, which is the science that studies the treatment or automatic information processing and other theories of pedagogical and psychological sciences that deal with different educational processes, including Pedagogy, Didactics, Pedagogical Research, Educational Administration, etc., and psychological learning theories, such as behaviorism, cognitivism, Humanism, connectivism and Constructivism among others.
The processes that are involved Computer Education, the educational administration or management, planning, monitoring, evaluation, educational and scientific research, teaching and learning, bonding or educational outreach and all those processes or activities involved in the generation or knowledge management.
Topic The tic's
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is a concept that has two meanings. The term information technology is often used to refer to any way of doing computing. As the name of a degree program, refers to students who are preparing to meet the needs of computing and communication technologies in government, social security, schools and any organization.
Plan and manage the ICT infrastructure of an organization is a difficult and complex job that requires a solid basis for the application of fundamental concepts in areas such as computer science and management and staff skills. Special skills are required in understanding, for example of how up and networked systems are structured, and what are their strengths and weaknesses are. In information systems software there are important concerns such as reliability, security, ease of use and effectiveness and efficiency for the purposes intended, all these concerns are vital to any organization
If elaborásemos a list of the uses we make of Information Technology and Communication would be virtually endless:
- Broadband Internet
- Next generation mobile phones
are some of the progress that we are more everyday. But there are many more:
Barcodes to manage products in a supermarket
Magnetic strips to operate safely with credit cards
- digital Cameras
- MP3 Players
This revolution has been driven by the emergence of digital technology. Digital technology, coupled with the emergence of increasingly powerful computers has allowed humanity to progress very quickly in science and technology by deploying our most powerful weapon: information and knowledge
Topic: Software
The set of computer programs, procedures, rules, documentation and associated data as part of operations ofa computer system, Paraque a computer work need to give orders without elordenador software were not intelligent, software is only all soportelógico of a computer system. Basically the software is a defuncionamiento plan for a special type machine once written by some sort of programming language software on computers operated temporarily become that machine for the program serves Deplan
Software importance
Software Laimportancia arising from technological progress and the need to use modern devices. The software is a visual tool that permiteinteractuar us with the hardware of a computer. Devices like computers, cell and even cameras, they could be used without tenerinstalado needed to make it work currently casitodos households have at least one computer and almost all family members dela have at least one mobile software. Children learn to utilizarequipos early age and most adults know at least comoutilizar a computer to surf the internet. Enterprises require a piece of software that allows them to manage their operations and control their employees, inclusopequeños businesses need a way to keep accounts and check sucrecimiento. Hence, we can say that the software is important to be partede the daily activities of most people
- The software does not wear the software is immune to environmental losmales to wear the hardware so defallas rates curve for software should take the form of the "idealized curve" losdefectos undiscovered cause high failure rates in the early stages dela life of a program but errors are corrected and the curve aplanael software does not wear out but if it deteriorates
- although the industry has a tendency construction haciala most software components is constructed even lamedida software component must be designed and implemented so WHAT CAN used in many different programs.
Clasification Of Software
System Software
- ø Sistemasoperativos
- ø Controladoresde devices
- ø diagnostic tool as
- ø tool as Correction and Optimization
- ø Servers
- ø Utilities
Programming software
- Editoresde text
- compilers
- interpreters
- linkers
- debuggers
Application software
- Aplicacionesofimáticas
- Software educativo
- Software empresarial
- data bases
- Telecommunications
- videogames
- Softwaremédico
- Softwareand numeric and symbolic computation
- Softwareand aided design (CAD)
- Softwareand numerical control (CAM)
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